April Bleske-Rechek

Professor of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Curriculum VitaeTeachingPublicationsResearchLinks

Research in the Media

Don't Cancel the SAT!, with April Bleske-Rechek by Tim O'Brien

Cancelling standardized testing may do more harm than good

Read on Substack
The Dissenter YouTube Channel Episode #58

America’s Real Evolution Problem (Psychology Today)

Birth order has no effect on personality, only small IQ advantage, study finds (today.com)

Does college entry depend on intelligence or ballot rigging? (Dr. James Thompson Blog June 1, 2014)

Women dress to impress when at their most fertile (Daily Mail)

Common Scales and Inventories

Achievement Goals (Items)
Big Five Inventory (BFI) (with scoring instructions)
BIDR40 (Scale and scoring instructions)
Characteristics Desired in a Friend
Competitor Derogation Tactics
Costs and Benefits of Friendship
Core Self Evaluations Scale (CSES)
Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR)
Humor Styles Questionnaire
Ideal Mentor Scale (with scoring)
Mate Attraction Tactics
Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI)
Positive and Negative Affectivity Scales (PANAS)
Reasons for Friendship Dissolution
Reasons for Friendship Initiation
Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSES)
Self Attributes Questionnaire (SAQ)
Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI)
Short-term and Long-term Mating Orientation (abbreviated list of items)
Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI)
Values (Bardi & Schwartz)


©2023 April Bleske-Rechek. All rights reserved.